How do you feel love at every given day?
Have you ever asked you that question?
Feeling loved, spreading love though words and actions, being in love can be seen and felt in different ways and occasions.
At those moments your heart is filled with happiness, joy, harmony and peace. You know that all is alright now and all will be alright. You feel recharged and energetic and even have a smile on your face.
Even things are gloomy and you feel stuck, focus on the love that is around you or imagine somebody and/or something you love and feel into yourself what’s changing. Can you feel a uplift?
In situations I feel overwhelmed I have an imagine in my inner eye that is always warming my heart and let me see my current situation from a different perspective. I can only recommend doing this also when you feel happy and content too. Let your life be full of love at any given time.
I am super grateful spent my winter holidays with my family. It really charged my inner battieries feeling the love from my parents, my brother and friends. I am overjoyed by this experience and it gives me happiness and hope. Sending my love to back home.
The world looks brighter when you look the lenses of love and appreciation, no matter what situation you are in. Let those feelings guide you in your life. Remind yourself that love can be found everywhere. Just look around you as well as inside of yourself.
Wishing you a lovely weekend with open eyes and a open heart too❤️
Lots of love & light,