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  • Writer's pictureSabine Schoellhorn

Precious Moments

Updated: Apr 16

The Cherry Blossom (Sakura) Season is almost coming to an end, this season reminds me how precious time is and how we choose and create our experiences.

This also links with my latest experiences about how we hold ourselves every day. Is your day filled with conscious moments in which you are present or is it filled with lots of things to do and no time to take a conscious break and being present again? I noticed how much I have been on auto-pilot these last 2 weeks, there has been a big change for me going to work every day and I am definitely not used to being in packed rush-hour trains. It stressed me out a bit and I forgot about choosing to be present in those moments too. It was when I decided to shift my auto-pilot mode, that I noticed an advertising on the train, which was relevant to my workshop content I am currently creating at work. I was so happy about this finding. It was a positive reminder for me to be present, regardless how busy or stressed you may be.

Being present is like taking a breathe, we are breathing automatically and we don’t have to remind ourselves about it. But we can remind to be present but deciding to focus on our breathe consciously. Stop everything for a minute and notice the air and the movement of your belly during your in and exhale. It is really a good tool to focus on being present. And it just takes a moment to decide to focus  and being present. I can only recommend it.

Another precious moment is when you have followed your intuition, listening within yourself. When I saw the advertising in the train, it was like “look up” and then I was so moved about it, I had a big smile on my face, even during crazy rush hour, nothing could stop me. Remember the Youtube that I have posted about the man in the subway laughing and people joined him, yes your positive energy and smile is contagious, so make good use of it. I am not alone in this packed train and when people can share a moment of positiveness, then why not!

Interestingly enough people around you will notice a change when you are more present in your being and you are shining your light. I have changed departments last year and I truly enjoy my work so much right now and even my colleagues from my prior team have noticed. They mentioned you are looking well and you are seem to enjoy so much, I am glad that my enthusiasm and my happiness is shining through. So I can only recommend to create those precious moments by being present and listening to your inner voice giving you guidance, you will be amazed how much is changing when you do!

Please share with me how you are feeling or when you focused on breathing if you have felt a change in your being. You might not notice it right away but over time it will be recognized first of all by you and maybe by others too, like in my case.

Every day is precious, take your time to not be in auto-pilot (doing), we are human beings. So be in the presence of yourself and remind yourself to take that time even during your busy times. It won’t affect any of your work if you stop and focus breathing, actually the opposite, you will feel more energized to get your work done. So it’s only for the best.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and have fun experiencing.

With love & light,



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