Today I dedicated time to being creative and I did this DIY painting. It's based on assigned numbers and different colors and you can see the result in the pic. I am pretty pleased with it. It was super meditative and calming to focus on the strokes of the brush and enjoying the different colors. Next one I will choose a more colorful one.
Lately I noticed it's at times when my mind is fully empty how much new thoughts and ideas are flowing towards me. If I feel any pressure to make anything work, my mind is running in circles and no clear solution is coming up. The idea about buying this kind of DIY painting comes from my job of coloring, but I am not really good at drawing myself, but seeing colors coming together in a painting gives me lots of joy. I suddenly had this idea the other day to buy this kind of painting and I took action.
Yesterday I felt my mind was quite occupied during the surf and once I let go of my thought, it was when I caught two really good waves that really made me happy and joyful. Being in the water always makes me joyful, but its when I least not focus and expect to catch a good wave, it is when the magic is happening. I am creating those moments of joy.
In my experiences it can work both ways, you can truly create what you want by planning every detail and manifest towards that creation. It is really happening as you wish it to be, but its when I was in state without feeling pressure but knowing and trusting that all will come true the way I wished it for. So today I just trusted the process wanting to have a beautiful painting as an outcome and I was really happy about it.
I love the analogy that we are human beings, we often focus on taking actions and being occupied. But its truly in the moments of being when the magic can also happen., that's the other way. When you are in the state of being and not have any expectation, then I caught those two great waves. Catching at least one memorable wave during a session is the best feeling. Being empty in your mind and trusting the process.
For me I can achieve this when I literally stop and focus all my being away from my head and my thoughts. For me I am quite a feeling person, so all my attention is focused on my heart area. I feel the joy of just being alive and observing the beauty around me, listen to my breathe or to the waves when at the beach. I close my eyes and take it all in. You can do this wherever you are, there is no need to close your eyes. You are breathing anyways, so focus on your breathe, listen to your feelings in your heart and see what's happening for you. When I do this I feel more balanced and at peace. What happens to you?
I wish you can be in that creative state of being every day. Notice what is happening to you, what new ideas or inspirations are coming along. It will be interesting, trust the process with no pressure and expectations. All will be! And don't forget to write down the idea or take action immediately when a great ideas are coming along your way.
Wishing you all a great Sunday night and have a great start into the week.
Be you!
With love & light, Sabine