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Perspective Changes

Writer's picture: Sabine SchoellhornSabine Schoellhorn

What's your current perspective?

This photo shows the beautiful ajisai (Hydrangea) in Hakone.

What have you noticed about it?

It's a choice to make a decision to look at the "same" situation from a different angle (perspective).

When you take that leap, it's best to observe without any judgement or rush to get to an answer or outcome for your situation.

Taking off the pressure needing to have an answer or an outcome, you can fully explore different aspects of the same situation.

Time isn't a factor either, let the process unfold and let your intuition speak to you.

What do you notice about yourselves during this time? How does it feel like?

If the situation you are in is unpleasant, remember to be kind to yourself. Take your time on focusing on something that gives you joy, seeing beauty or treating yourself. It can be anything that sparks and lifts your energy.

By observing a situation from different angles, remember you always have choice. You can accept where you are or you can also let go and explore a different path moving forward.

It's your decision to decide what you want to focus on about that situation. You can daily check in by asking yourself powerful questions, for example: How do I want to feel about that situation? What is it that I need to see about that situation?

Don't worry if the answer to your questions are not appearing straight away. Trust the process that when you are ready to hear and see the answer(s) come to you.

Shifting perspectives take courage, being able to observe neutrally and feel into what wants to unfold about that situation. Tap yourself on the shoulder for being brave when you made that choice. Let your intuition and feelings speak to you with clarity.

In above picture, the ajisai flower is made of glass. It takes a closer look to notice the difference.

If there is something that I can support you with to get more clarity about, please reach out to me. I will be happy to assist you in the process to gain a different perspective.

With love & light,



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